Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Best Social Media Marketing Tips for the Beginners

Best Social Media Marketing Tips for the Beginners

Social media sites are blasting now a days as people from the whole world are passing hours after hours in top social networking sites. Previously social networking sites were only used to meet, communicate, build relation and get entertained. But now these sites are highly used to promote both local and international business. Both online and offline business are getting benefit from social media marketing. Some businesses have turned themselves into a brand, again some businesses got international recognition via social networks. Therefore you can consider social medias as you biggest source of consumer, visitor or client. This article is mainly for beginners to teach best social media marketing tips. I will discuss marketing strategies for top social networking sites which are Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Linked In, Youtube and Pinterest. In future articles I am willing to write detail marketing ideas on each site. Hope you will stay and enjoy those articles too.

What is social media marketing?

Simple answer is – Promoting any business, product or website via social networking sites to get better response and revenue is known as social media marketing.

1. Facebook: There is nothing new to say about Facebook as all of you are familiar with this leading social networking site. In average a single people spent about 7 hours daily on Facebook. I am not joking or telling lie to you. It’s an official news from Facebook. I think this news is enough to make you realize the importance of Facebook marketing. So here basic Facebook marketing starts…
  • Fan Page: You must create a fan page for your business or website to get started. Make your page look attractive by adding relevant and interesting profile picture and cover image. Update your page regularly to hold your old fans and to get new ones.
  • Groups: Use search bar to find and join groups that are related to your business, product or website that you want to promote. Stay active and helpful in the group to proof your authority. Then just share your business and go viral in short time.
  • Use hash (#) tags: This is the best way to get huge response in little time. Use hash tags in your status. Mainly put hash (#) sign before your keywords. It will work as search engine result. When some one will search for any specific word, hash  tagged words will appear first.
2. Twitter: Twitter stands right after Facebook in social networking world. Twitter marketing is more effective as you can search for targeted people. Twitter has the whole power to rock your business with it’s 140 character tweet.
  • Search: Use twitter search bar to find targeted people who might be interested in your product or website. Although it’s time consuming but this technique is very effective as it can make about 60-70% converts.
  • Use hash (#) tags: Hash tag is also a burning technique in case of twitter marketing. You must need to use hash tags before your keywords for better and fast result.
  • Use short link: Although most of the people are not aware of link size, it matter much in twitter. Short links get much more clicks comparing to the long links. So, make your links short before making tweets. You can use goo.gl or bit.ly as link shortening tool.
  • Use image: Use of image in twitter is increasing as it has already shown it’s impact. According to statistics, tweets with image gets 37% more response than tweets without image. Therefore your need to add relevant and attractive image with your each tweet to make twitter marketing more effective.
3. Google plus: Google plus is like a magic box in the field of social media marketing as it is owned by Google. Google plus has good impact on Google search result ranking. Therefore you will be benefited in 2 ways by doing Google plus marketing.
  • Google page: Create a Google plus page for your business and start promoting your page for getting more followers. If you could build a page with good number of quality followers, it will work as search result for your targeted keywords in Google.
  • Communities: Communities in Google plus is similar to Facebook groups. Find some related communities and join them. Make helpful posts with the link that you want to promote. Don’t make any irrelevant post as it could results in being banned.
  • Use hash (#) tags: Again the same thing I need to say here. Use hash tags in your post/status before your main keywords to get effective and fast result.
4. Linked In: Linked In is the largest networking site for the professional person. This platform is like heaven for expending any business.
  • Profile: Building a high quality profile in Linked In is the most important fact because your profile will reflect your business and skill. So, make a professional and informative profile to grab attention and trust of others. Never add false information in your profile.
  • Be the Pro: Go for pro membership (if you can) as you can get more professional look and gain more trust. Pro account will also help you to build big connection network within short time.
  • Build Connection: Search and find out people who might be interested in your business or website. Then send connection request to them to build your network. After having a rich network start promoting your business or website.
5. YouTube: YouTube is the largest source of video over the internet. Video marketing is much more perfect word in terms of YouTube. People pass hours after hours on YouTube to watch new videos of movie, tutorial, music etc.
  • Make tutorials: You can’t make video songs if you are not a singer or you can’t make movies if you are not a director. But still there is something that you can make and that is tutorials. Make helpful tutorials on various subject that is related to your business, product or website which you are going to promote by YouTube marketing. Add your link with quality content in the description part.
  • Make SEO: Do SEO of your video to get more targeted viewers. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to rank videos on YouTube. Just follow these rules: Include main keywords in your video title, write keyword rich description for the video and use perfect tags for higher video ranking.
  • Comment: Making comment is the easiest way to promote something in YouTube. Your plan will result in zero if you don’t follow comment strategy. Basic comment strategies are: make comments only on video that is related to your marketing topic/product, see the video and mention something about the video, make an attractive and informative comment and don’t make too much comment in short time.
6. Pinterest: This is the favorite pinning site for millions of people. Before starting pinterest marketing you need to keep in mind that 70% pinterest users are female. So, business/product/website that is related to female will get bombing result via pinterest marketing.
  • Boards: Make boards on relevant topic and start pinning. Give a keyword rich description of the board for better result.
  • Pining: Making boards is not enough rather it’s the starting part of pinterest marketing. Making pins is the main part of pinterest. Make pins regularly to get noticed by others and to build good number of followers. You can also add links with your pins as source link or direct link in pin description.
  • Use hash (#) tags: Hash tags work like key part of pinterest marketing. So, never forget to use hash tags before your keywords.
  • Follow others: Following others is an effective strategy to build huge number of followers. About 30-40% people will follow you back if you follow them. Remember to follow people who have boards on similar topic as you to get better response.
7. Bonus tips: I mentioned before that this article is mainly for the beginners. Therefore I am giving a bonus tips which will work for all above mentioned social networks. Before revealing the bonus tips I want inform you that I don’t recommend this trick as it will not give you high quality result. However, I am adding this trick for your fast marketing privilege. The bonus trick is to use social media exchange sites such as AddMeFast, LikesASAP, Link Collider, Likes Planet, Join4Likes, Like4Like etc as your social marketing tools. In these sites you need to collect credits by doing simple social jobs and use those credits to boost your social value.

So, at the end I need to mention that these are not the only but the basic social media marketing tips from my side. Later I will post about deep social media marketing tips on each social networking site. Hope to see you that time also as now.

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