
Showing posts with label Google SEO Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google SEO Updates. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

‘Hawk’ Google Local Algorithm Update

Have you noticed a recent shift in Google's local search results?

August 22, 2017: The day the ‘Hawk’ Google local algorithm update swooped in
‘Hawk’ Google Local Algorithm Update
The update, which I have dubbed “Hawk,” was a change to the way the local filter works. To get some history here, Google actively filters out listings from the local results that are similar to other listings that rank already. Basically, Google picks the most relevant listing of the bunch and filters the rest. It’s very similar to what they do organically with duplicate content. (Note: Google is typically loath to confirm algorithm updates, usually only saying that it rolls out several updates every day, so these observations are based on an analysis of how local results have changed rather than on any official announcement or acknowledgment.)

The filter has existed for a long time to help ensure that multiple listings for the same company don’t monopolize the search results. In September 2016, the Possum algorithm update made a significant change to the way the filter works. Instead of just filtering out listings that shared the same phone number or website, Google started filtering out listings that were physically located near each other.

This was very problematic for businesses. It meant that if another business in your industry was in the same building as you — or even down the street from you — that could cause you to get filtered out of local search results. Yep, that means your competitors could (inadvertently) bump your listing!

On August 22, 2017, Google refined the proximity filter to make it stricter. It still appears to be filtering out businesses in the same building, but it is not filtering out as many businesses that are close by.

Who is still filtered?

Naturally, this update didn’t help everyone. Although it tightened the distance needed to filter a similar listing, it didn’t remove it completely. I’m still seeing listings that share an address or building being filtered out of local search results. I also see the filtering problem persisting for a business that is in a different building that’s around 50 feet away from a competitor.

Why ‘Hawk?’

The local search community settled on the name “Hawk” for this algorithm update, because hawks eat possums. This is one of the few times where I don’t see any negative outcomes as a result of this update and just wish Google hadn’t taken a year to realize the proximity filter was way too broad.

Source: Search Engine Land

Thursday, November 09, 2017

7 Major Factors to Improve Page Speed Score.

Page speed is a measurement of how fast your site loads on browser Or the content on your page loads. let me tell you first what is page speed, and how it's matter in SEO Or Ranking for a website in 2019.

What is Page Speed?

Page speed is often confused with "site speed," which is actually the page speed for a sample of page views on a site. Page speed can be described in either "page load time" (the time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page) or "time to first byte" (how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the web server).

No matter how you measure it, faster page speed is better. Many people have found that faster pages both rank and convert better.

page Speed

SEO Best Practices

Google has indicated site speed (and as a result, page speed) is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages. And research has shown that Google might be specifically measuring time to the first byte as when it considers page speed. In addition, a slow page speed means that search engines can crawl fewer pages using their allocated crawl budget, and this could negatively affect your indexation.

Page speed is also important to user experience. Pages with a longer load time tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page. Longer load times have also been shown to negatively affect conversions.

Here are some of the many ways to increase your page speed:

1. Enable compression

Use Gzip, a software application for file compression, to reduce the size of your CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files that are larger than 150 bytes.

Do not use gzip on image files. Instead, compress these in a program like Photoshop where you can retain control over the quality of the image. See "Optimize images" below.

2. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

By optimizing your code (including removing spaces, commas, and other unnecessary characters), you can dramatically increase your page speed. Also remove code comments, formatting, and unused code. Google recommends using YUI Compressor for both CSS and JavaScript.

3. Reduce Redirects

Each time a page redirects to another page, your visitor faces additional time waiting for the HTTP request-response cycle to complete. For example, if your mobile redirect pattern looks like this: " -> -> ->," each of those two additional redirects makes your page load slower.

4. Leverage browser caching

Browsers cache a lot of information (stylesheets, images, JavaScript files, and more) so that when a visitor comes back to your site, the browser doesn't have to reload the entire page. Use a tool like YSlow to see if you already have an expiration date set for your cache. Then set your "expires" header for how long you want that information to be cached. In many cases, unless your site design changes frequently, a year is a reasonable time period. Google has more information about leveraging caching here.

5. Improve server response time

Your server response time is affected by the amount of traffic you receive, the resources each page uses, the software your server uses, and the hosting solution you use. To improve your server response time, look for performance bottlenecks like slow database queries, slow routing, or a lack of adequate memory and fix them. The optimal server response time is under 200ms. Learn more about optimizing your time to first byte.

6. Use a content distribution network

Content distribution networks (CDNs), also called content delivery networks, are networks of servers that are used to distribute the load of delivering content. Essentially, copies of your site are stored at multiple, geographically diverse data centers so that users have faster and more reliable access to your site.

7. Optimize images

Be sure that your images are no larger than they need to be, that they are in the right file format (PNGs are generally better for graphics with fewer than 16 colors while JPEGs are generally better for photographs) and that they are compressed for the web.

Use CSS sprites to create a template for images that you use frequently on your site like buttons and icons. CSS sprites combine your images into one large image that loads all at once (which means fewer HTTP requests) and then display only the sections that you want to show. This means that you are saving load time by not making users wait for multiple images to load.

Source: SEOMoz

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Latent Semantic Indexing

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a mathematical method used to determine the relationship between terms and concepts in content. The contents of a web-page are crawled by a search engine and the most common words and phrases are collated and identified as the keywords for the page.

LSI looks for synonyms related to the title of your page. For example, if the title of your page was “Classic Cars”, the search engine would expect to find words relating to that subject in the content of the page as well, i.e. "collectors", "automobile", "Bentley", "Austin" and "car auctions".

When you search an LSI-indexed database, the search engine looks at similarity values it has calculated for every content word, and returns the documents that it thinks best fit the query. Because two documents may be semantically very close even if they do not share a particular keyword, LSI does not require an exact match to return useful results. Where a plain keyword search will fail if there is no exact match, LSI will often return relevant documents that don't contain the keyword at all.

What Is Latent Semantic Indexing, and How Will It Boost Your Overall SEO Strategy?

Latent Semantic Indexing is not rocket science, it is simple common sense. Here are some simple guidelines:
  1. If your page title is Learn to Play Tennis, make sure your article is about tennis.
  2. Do not overuse your keywords in the content. It could look like keyword stuffing and the search engines may red flag you.
  3. Never use Article Spinning Software – it spits out unreadable garble.
  4. If you outsource your content, choose a quality source.
  5. Check Google Webmaster Tools and see what keywords your pages are ranking for.
Latent Semantic Indexing is not a trick. You should bear it in mind when adding content to a web page, but do not get paranoid about it. The chances are if you provide quality, relevant content you will never have to worry about falling foul of and LSI checks.

Source: Search Engine Journal

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Local SEO For Your Business

How To Target Your Local Area For Your Business (Local SEO)

In Local SEO we increase visibility of website locally. We offers a neighborhood SEO seek technique particularly customized to your area to guarantee the correct outside area signs are sent and inbound connections, on-page and social flags and audit signs to Google about the areas most significant to your business. We utilize promoting methodologies that permit you to construct a more grounded client base that permits your business to develop naturally.

We put extraordinary push to accomplish higher rankings in neighborhood list items by consistently checking the movement source and persistently re-assessing data for exactness. We make profiles on well known web and online networking stages, and give helpful data to target gatherings of people.

Featured Snippets in Search Results

At the point when a client poses a question in Google Search, we may demonstrate a query item in an exceptional highlighted snippet obstruct at the highest point of the list items page. This highlighted snippet square incorporates a rundown of the appropriate response, removed from a website page, in addition to a connection to the page, the page title and URL. An included snippet may look something like this on the page:

There are some questions which comes in mind;

According to Google Support Or Search Console Help -
Where does the answer summary come from?
The summary is a snippet extracted programmatically from what a visitor sees on your web page. What's different with a featured snippet is that it is enhanced to draw user attention on the results page. When we recognize that a query asks a question, we programmatically detect pages that answer the user's question, and display a top result as a featured snippet in the search results.

Like all search results, featured snippets reflect the views or opinion of the site from which we extract the snippet, not that of Google. We are always working to improve our ability to detect the most useful snippet, so the results you see may change over time. You can provide feedback on any Featured Snippet by clicking the "Give Feedback" link at the bottom of the box.
Opting out of featured snippets
You can opt out of featured snippets by preventing snippets on your page using the tag on your page. This will remove all snippets on your page, including those in regular search results.
How can I mark my page as a featured snippet?
You can't. Google programmatically determines that a page contains a likely answer to the user's question, and displays the result as a featured snippet.
Is this part of Knowledge Graph?
No, this is a normal search result, emphasized with special layout.
This is very useful for any business who provide a Number to support some products Or services, who have any answer for related question which was asked in search box (query) etc.

Update Source: Google Search Console Help

On Page SEO Techniques

"Basic On-Page SEO Techniques"

On-Page SEO Techniques

There are two main factors in search engine optimization. On-page optimization and off-page optimization. Both factors are connected with each others for website search engine ranking. It is very important to optimize both techniques for better website ranking in search engine. On-page optimization help us to create website search SEO and search engine friendly, off page assist us to create quality back links for great ranking.
Some on page SEO techniques and their outputs:

Meta Title Tag:- Meta title tag describe the about web page content. It is most important part of on page SEO. Title tag with the appearance of keyword make easy to keywords ranking. We can find title in three places external website, search engine result pages and browsers.

Character Limit: - Google prefer character limit less than 70 character including space. With this character limit Google displays in search results.

Title Structure: - Primary Keyword | Secondary Keyword | Brand Name

Meta Description Tag:- Meta description is the HTML text which explain about web page content. It increases the possibility of user’s clicks. Means to say it increase the click through-rates of web pages. Most favorable character limit for meta description tag is 155-160 characters including space.

Meta Keywords:- Meta keywords is the part which also important in on-page SEO. This part help to boost keyword ranking in other famous search engines like Yahoo, Bing, MSN and Ask etc. So we can say appearance of meta keyword can increase the possibility of better ranking in other search engines.

Heading tag:- This tag represent the different section of web page content. Head tag help search engine spider relevancy between heading tag and web page content. Including that it also give the idea to user about web page content.

XML Sitemap:- Many webmasters think that XML sitemap is useless in SEO. It is the important part of website which help website in indexing and made website accessible to users and search engine crawler.

Robots.txt File: A robots.txt file restricts access to your site by search engine robots that crawl the web. These bots are automated, and before they access pages of a site, they check to see if a robots.txt file exists that prevents them from accessing certain pages.

URL Canonicalization: Canonicalization is the process of picking the best url when there are several choices, and it usually refers to home pages. For example, most people would consider these the same urls:
But technically all of these urls are different. A web server could return completely different content for all the urls above. When Google “canonicalizes” a URL, we try to pick the URL that seems like the best representative from that set.

Image ALT tag:- With the all on page parts image alt tag is also play very important role in website ranking. Search engine crawler cannot read image without this tag. So we can say image alt help crawler to read about image. It is also helpful to boost keyword ranking with images.

Off Page SEO Techniques

"Basic Off Page SEO Techniques"

Off – page optimization is free technique in SEO to attain the traffic on website. Website always needs these techniques to create back links. If website gain quality back links it will definitely get better ranking in search engine, and high ranking in search engine is the way to receive organic traffic on website.

Webmasters use different-different off page techniques to create back links on their sites. Off – page optimization contain lots of techniques, some techniques are simple and some are little bit complex. We need to perform in these techniques properly, will definitely improve website ranking and reputation also. Some off-page optimization techniques .

Search Engine Submission:- Submission in search engine is the first step to index website or Webpages. Before submitting website into search engine we need to check website indexing, if website is indexed then no need to submit website.

Directory Submission on Reputed websites:- Directory submission also great way to index website. Including that directory submission also best way to achieve one way back link. We need to keep some important things in our mind before submitting website, that are page rank should high, ip address should unique.

Note:- Submission in low quality directory sites can create unnatural back link. This can hurt your website ranking. So submit your site only in quality websites. Second thing don’t try to do excessive submission in the same time. Submit only in 5-6 directories with website reputation.

Social Bookmarking Submission:- Social bookmarking is great tool to make excellence back links and attain huge traffic on website. To make social bookmarking more effective try to change your bookmark title. Make descriptive title to increase website ranking and traffic.

Classified Ad Submission: - Classified ad submission is one of my favorite techniques in off page optimization techniques. To create contextual link it is really best tool. Most beneficial thing in classified sites is, we can post lots of ads in same website only we need to change the ad title and description.

Business Listing:- Business listing is also massive tool to boost traffic and to create back links on website home. These sites are also boost direct traffic on website. Most important thing in business listing is to place accurate contact information. Because sometime listing ranked even in search engine.

Blog Commenting:- If you are trying to increase traffic on your website or blog then you need to start blog commenting. But not with spamming techniques. If you will post comment informative and motivational then user will definitely try to know more about your sources.

Blog Posting:- Blog posting is the way which help us to make natural back link. We have to create contextual link on our keyword inside the blog post.
Article Submission:- Article submission is also help us to increase the website traffic and best quality back links.

Including all these techniques there are some other off page optimization techniques which help us boost our keywords ranking. These techniques are document sharing submission, video sharing, image submission, yahoo groups, Google groups, press release submissions etc.

5 Secret SEO Tips and Tricks.

SEO in 2014

Over the past years, SEO has been changing constantly. Google has taken it very seriously that the users get the right content for the queries they search for. And for that, numerous updates have been made in their algorithms from the past year.

These are the updates Google has made in its algorithms in the year 2013.
  • Panda #24 – January 22, 2013
  • Panda#25 – March 14, 2013
  • Phantom – May 9, 2013
  • Domain Crowding – May 21, 2013
  • Penguin 2.0 – May 22, 2013
  • PayDay Loan Update – June 11, 2013
  • Panda Dance – June 11, 2103
  • Multi-week Update – June 22, 2013
  • Panda Recovery – July 18, 2013
  • Knowledge Graph Expanision – July 19, 2013
  • Humming Bird – August 20, 2013
  • Penguin 2.1 – October 4, 2013
  • Authorship Shake-Up – December 19, 2013

Now, let’s see what updates Google has made in the year 2014.

  • Page Layout #2 – February 6, 2014
  • Unnamed update – March 24, 2014
  • PayDay Loan 2.0 – March 16, 2014
  • Panda 4.0 – May 19, 2014.

There is still half an year to go and experts are expecting a lot more updates to come from Google. Here’s the list of all Google’s SEO algorithms since 2000 and their updates. More on Google Panda and Google Penguin Updates.

Here are a few SEO Tips and Tricks for 2014 that will help you go.

1 # : I observed one interesting thing in this 2014 that – even if it a smaller or larger site – We Can Rank (this is for small websites owners ! Previously this is not the situation and small websites owners never tried big fearing bigger sites about their authority in Google. And I have seen so many positive results which I cannot share and this will be a good factor.
2 # : Please don’t go after backlinks : Better concentrate creating more quality content and don't waste too much in getting backlinks (either money or time).
3 # : STOP DOING guest posts to obtain links. Google already made several announcements about this.
4 # : TRY to engage the viewers (with commenting and feedback) and also make sure that you make PERFECT navigation in the site to make sure that users/visitors can navigate through the content without any complexity.
5 # : Google Panda 4.0 Hit Sites Blocking CSS and JavaScript – this is a news from where they told that some people reported them – So try avoiding this in case if you are penalized in this recent Google Panda Update. Here is one live example how a person named Joost (developer) recovered his site from this similar issue.
Here are some more essential things that one should follow to maintain the Rankings

#1 Have a Responsive Web Design

There has been a drastic growth in the use of smartphones and tablets, in the past few years. And most of those users prefer browsing the internet through those devices. Make sure that the content of your website is easily readable when viewed through all other devices like such; in short, improve your website’s responsive design. This is a very important factor that can affect your SEO since, if your website doesn’t provide a good user interface, the user will shift to something that does.

#2 Use Social Media

Publicizing your article on Social Media is a very important technique to, not only get more hits, but also to improve your SEO. Google Plus’s +1 carries around 0.37% of the weight-age of your page’s SEO. So, the better you reach out to people on Social media, the better it is for your website.

#3 Brand building – Authorship

Although Google has recently announced that they will remove the authorship images from search results, SEO experts, after many experiments, say that authorship can still affect a website in a positive manner.
However, only the image is dropped off and authorship stays in the website. To set up authorship you will need a Google+ account. Still today, no one from the SEO industry could confirm the importance of the authorship verified content in search rankings either in the form of some SEO experiments or cases, even Google never confirmed it – but still there is a big question about its factor.
This is how authorship mark up will look in the search results.

#4 Go with a Content Management System (CMS)

Use a proper content management system that offers various plugins. WordPress is one of the most used content management systems, nowadays. It not only provides you with amazing plugins, but will also help you frame your content and images in a way which will make it easier for Google bots to traverse. Although, using a CMS is not a must, it is highly advisable. Blogspot and Drupal are a couple of other famous CMS.

#5 Have a killer UX

Good User Experience (UX) can lead you to great results. See that the navigation from one page to another inside the site, is easy, even for a normal user to do. Also, see that the loading time  of the website is minimal, not only on a PC, but also on other devices. Learn more about UX and make the most out of it.

#6 Get a good Domain Name

Domain name? you may ask. Yes. See that the domain name is relevant to the content you are planning to produce in the site. Having the main base word/keyword of the website in your domain name can turn out to be very helpful. Choose a classy name and not a funny/silly name. Generally, such silly named websites are not taken seriously.

Finally I would say its just a factor and its  not compulsory to make a domain name keyword related to your niche – because Branding is also an alternative for that. If you have one then its GOOD because I still see lot of niche sites ranking for the keywords and the search engine still recognizes it even after many panda and penguin updates.

#7 Keyword Analysis

Look for keywords that have low competition and high search volume. This will help you write articles using such words as the keywords and gain more users. Google Keyword Planner is a free SEO tool that will help you find such words. Instead of using a single word, it is advised to use key phrases. And also, make sure that you know how to use a keyword in the context. However, the most important of things is to produce good quality content that your readers would connect to.

#8 Link Building

See that you first build proper inter links among the pages of your website so that it gets easier for the user to navigate. It is fine to use keyword in the links but make sure that you link it only to a relevant page on your website. This can help you improve the rank of other webpages in your website.
Always use relevant, high quality links that go out of your website. This builds a trust to Google that what you are referring to is important and useful. And this might eventually push your website to higher position in the search results. And, keep away from bad and low quality links.  Then again, there are few tiny basic mistakes that newbies tend to do.

Things That One Should Not Do For SEO

Things that one should not done by us for SEO.

#1 Stuffing content with keywords.

This was an old trick and is lethal, if you do it now. See that they keyword density is in between 10-15%of your content and not more than it. And also, include they keyword only if it naturally goes with the sentence. Do not stuff them everywhere you like because that will only pull you down and down and down.

#2 Stealing content.

This is the worst possible thing one can do. We write to share our views to our readers and not do a Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Although most don’t do this, some get misguided into the trap.

#3 Building unnatural links.

You must’ve heard that the more the number of links, the better it is. And someone might have even suggested you to get links from automated bots. No! Do not blindly build links bearing an impression that it will get your page higher in the list. The opposite, exactly, will happen.

#4 Writing large amounts of useless content.

Although content is the king, it doesn’t mean that you write more and more useless, irrelevant content just to increase the number of blog posts. Remember, the lower the quality of content, the lower will be the rank of the page. Write content that is useful and relevant to the topic.

Stealing content also includes the “rewriting articles” and Google is smart in identifying the stuff even if misses it ! Know about the Google panda which takes care of spam and useless content. Useful I mean = New and Unique content.

These are few important tips to follow and to not follow in 2014, to make the best of your SEO. Hope these will help you with your website.

Best Social Media Marketing Tips for the Beginners

Best Social Media Marketing Tips for the Beginners

Social media sites are blasting now a days as people from the whole world are passing hours after hours in top social networking sites. Previously social networking sites were only used to meet, communicate, build relation and get entertained. But now these sites are highly used to promote both local and international business. Both online and offline business are getting benefit from social media marketing. Some businesses have turned themselves into a brand, again some businesses got international recognition via social networks. Therefore you can consider social medias as you biggest source of consumer, visitor or client. This article is mainly for beginners to teach best social media marketing tips. I will discuss marketing strategies for top social networking sites which are Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Linked In, Youtube and Pinterest. In future articles I am willing to write detail marketing ideas on each site. Hope you will stay and enjoy those articles too.

What is social media marketing?

Simple answer is – Promoting any business, product or website via social networking sites to get better response and revenue is known as social media marketing.

1. Facebook: There is nothing new to say about Facebook as all of you are familiar with this leading social networking site. In average a single people spent about 7 hours daily on Facebook. I am not joking or telling lie to you. It’s an official news from Facebook. I think this news is enough to make you realize the importance of Facebook marketing. So here basic Facebook marketing starts…
  • Fan Page: You must create a fan page for your business or website to get started. Make your page look attractive by adding relevant and interesting profile picture and cover image. Update your page regularly to hold your old fans and to get new ones.
  • Groups: Use search bar to find and join groups that are related to your business, product or website that you want to promote. Stay active and helpful in the group to proof your authority. Then just share your business and go viral in short time.
  • Use hash (#) tags: This is the best way to get huge response in little time. Use hash tags in your status. Mainly put hash (#) sign before your keywords. It will work as search engine result. When some one will search for any specific word, hash  tagged words will appear first.
2. Twitter: Twitter stands right after Facebook in social networking world. Twitter marketing is more effective as you can search for targeted people. Twitter has the whole power to rock your business with it’s 140 character tweet.
  • Search: Use twitter search bar to find targeted people who might be interested in your product or website. Although it’s time consuming but this technique is very effective as it can make about 60-70% converts.
  • Use hash (#) tags: Hash tag is also a burning technique in case of twitter marketing. You must need to use hash tags before your keywords for better and fast result.
  • Use short link: Although most of the people are not aware of link size, it matter much in twitter. Short links get much more clicks comparing to the long links. So, make your links short before making tweets. You can use or as link shortening tool.
  • Use image: Use of image in twitter is increasing as it has already shown it’s impact. According to statistics, tweets with image gets 37% more response than tweets without image. Therefore your need to add relevant and attractive image with your each tweet to make twitter marketing more effective.
3. Google plus: Google plus is like a magic box in the field of social media marketing as it is owned by Google. Google plus has good impact on Google search result ranking. Therefore you will be benefited in 2 ways by doing Google plus marketing.
  • Google page: Create a Google plus page for your business and start promoting your page for getting more followers. If you could build a page with good number of quality followers, it will work as search result for your targeted keywords in Google.
  • Communities: Communities in Google plus is similar to Facebook groups. Find some related communities and join them. Make helpful posts with the link that you want to promote. Don’t make any irrelevant post as it could results in being banned.
  • Use hash (#) tags: Again the same thing I need to say here. Use hash tags in your post/status before your main keywords to get effective and fast result.
4. Linked In: Linked In is the largest networking site for the professional person. This platform is like heaven for expending any business.
  • Profile: Building a high quality profile in Linked In is the most important fact because your profile will reflect your business and skill. So, make a professional and informative profile to grab attention and trust of others. Never add false information in your profile.
  • Be the Pro: Go for pro membership (if you can) as you can get more professional look and gain more trust. Pro account will also help you to build big connection network within short time.
  • Build Connection: Search and find out people who might be interested in your business or website. Then send connection request to them to build your network. After having a rich network start promoting your business or website.
5. YouTube: YouTube is the largest source of video over the internet. Video marketing is much more perfect word in terms of YouTube. People pass hours after hours on YouTube to watch new videos of movie, tutorial, music etc.
  • Make tutorials: You can’t make video songs if you are not a singer or you can’t make movies if you are not a director. But still there is something that you can make and that is tutorials. Make helpful tutorials on various subject that is related to your business, product or website which you are going to promote by YouTube marketing. Add your link with quality content in the description part.
  • Make SEO: Do SEO of your video to get more targeted viewers. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to rank videos on YouTube. Just follow these rules: Include main keywords in your video title, write keyword rich description for the video and use perfect tags for higher video ranking.
  • Comment: Making comment is the easiest way to promote something in YouTube. Your plan will result in zero if you don’t follow comment strategy. Basic comment strategies are: make comments only on video that is related to your marketing topic/product, see the video and mention something about the video, make an attractive and informative comment and don’t make too much comment in short time.
6. Pinterest: This is the favorite pinning site for millions of people. Before starting pinterest marketing you need to keep in mind that 70% pinterest users are female. So, business/product/website that is related to female will get bombing result via pinterest marketing.
  • Boards: Make boards on relevant topic and start pinning. Give a keyword rich description of the board for better result.
  • Pining: Making boards is not enough rather it’s the starting part of pinterest marketing. Making pins is the main part of pinterest. Make pins regularly to get noticed by others and to build good number of followers. You can also add links with your pins as source link or direct link in pin description.
  • Use hash (#) tags: Hash tags work like key part of pinterest marketing. So, never forget to use hash tags before your keywords.
  • Follow others: Following others is an effective strategy to build huge number of followers. About 30-40% people will follow you back if you follow them. Remember to follow people who have boards on similar topic as you to get better response.
7. Bonus tips: I mentioned before that this article is mainly for the beginners. Therefore I am giving a bonus tips which will work for all above mentioned social networks. Before revealing the bonus tips I want inform you that I don’t recommend this trick as it will not give you high quality result. However, I am adding this trick for your fast marketing privilege. The bonus trick is to use social media exchange sites such as AddMeFast, LikesASAP, Link Collider, Likes Planet, Join4Likes, Like4Like etc as your social marketing tools. In these sites you need to collect credits by doing simple social jobs and use those credits to boost your social value.

So, at the end I need to mention that these are not the only but the basic social media marketing tips from my side. Later I will post about deep social media marketing tips on each social networking site. Hope to see you that time also as now.

What is The Google Penguin Update?

Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch sites deemed to be spamming its search results, in particular those doing so by buying links or obtaining them through link networks designed primarily to boost Google rankings. When a new Penguin Update is released, sites that have taken action to remove bad links (such as through the Google disavow links tool or to remove spam may regain rankings. New sites not previously caught might get trapped by Penguin. “False positives,” sites that were caught by mistake, may escape.

Source :

Google Launches Mobile Friendly Test Tool

Google's new mobile-friendly testing tool tells you if your site passes or fails the mobile test.

Wondering if your site will qualify for Google’s new mobile-friendly labels or be ready for a potential mobile-friendly ranking boost? Google has a new tool to help.
The new tool is at Mobile-Friendly Test and it basically gives you a pass or fail grade. Either it tells you that you are mobile friendly or you are not mobile friendly. The messages I was able to generate include:
  • Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.
  • Not mobile-friendly
In each output, the yes, you are mobile friendly or no you are not, Google may or may not give more or less advice depending on the site.
For example, for this site, we got an “Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly,” but it did add that “this page uses 9 resources which are blocked by robots.txt. The results and screenshot may be incorrect.” It then listed out those resources it had issues with, so you as the webmaster can decide if it is something that needs addressing.

Here is a screen shot:

An Upcoming Update on Doorway Pages

Doorway Pages

Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries. They are bad for users because they can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results, where each result ends up taking the user to essentially the same destination. They can also lead users to intermediate pages that are not as useful as the final destination.
Here are some examples of doorways:
  • Having multiple domain names or pages targeted at specific regions or cities that funnel users to one page
  • Pages generated to funnel visitors into the actual usable or relevant portion of your site(s)
  • Substantially similar pages that are closer to search results than a clearly defined, browseable hierarchy

An Update on Doorway Pages

Google’s Search Quality team is continually working on ways in which to minimize the impact of webspam on users. This includes doorway pages.

We have a long-standing view that doorway pages that are created solely for search engines can harm the quality of the user’s search experience.
For example, searchers might get a list of results that all go to the same site. So if a user clicks on one result, doesn't like it, and then tries the next result in the search results page and is taken to that same site that they didn't like, that's a really frustrating experience.
Over time, we've seen sites try to maximize their “search footprint” without adding clear, unique value. These doorway campaigns manifest themselves as pages on a site, as a number of domains, or a combination thereof. To improve the quality of search results for our users, we’ll soon launch a ranking adjustment to better address these types of pages. Sites with large and well-established doorway campaigns might see a broad impact from this change.
To help webmasters better understand our guidelines, we've added clarifying examples and freshened our definition of doorway pages in our Quality Guidelines.
Here are questions to ask of pages that could be seen as doorway pages:
  • Is the purpose to optimize for search engines and funnel visitors into the actual usable or relevant portion of your site, or are they an integral part of your site’s user experience?
  • Are the pages intended to rank on generic terms yet the content presented on the page is very specific?
  • Do the pages duplicate useful aggregations of items (locations, products, etc.) that already exist on the site for the purpose of capturing more search traffic?
  • Are these pages made solely for drawing affiliate traffic and sending users along without creating unique value in content or functionality?
  • Do these pages exist as an “island?” Are they difficult or impossible to navigate to from other parts of your site? Are links to such pages from other pages within the site or network of sites created just for search engines?
*Source :  Google Webmaster Blog

6 Changes Your 2015 SEO Strategy Must Focus On

SEO is constantly changing. New updates are released, new trends are discussed and new strategies are developed. It is something that will constantly evolve.

In 2014 alone, there have already been 13 updates to Google’s algorithm, according to Moz’s change history. These are just the notable and more public ones -- there are refreshes and changes almost daily behind the scenes.

The biggest changes that SEO efforts are going to need to adjust to as we enter 2015. Let’s look at six of them right now:

1. Create and optimize for mobile traffic

Back in 2012 ComScore predicted that mobile traffic would exceed desktop traffic in 2014, and they were correct. Google has always said that it feels responsive websites provide the best user experience, and recently starting including a “mobile-friendly” notation next to websites in mobile search results that are indeed mobile friendly.

You can see if your website passes Google’s mobile-friendly test by clicking here. Bing has also stated it prefers a single responsive URL.

2. Optimizing for Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo

Could 2015 be the year that some other search engines begin to take more market share? It seems like this is the million-dollar question every year, but some recent developments suggest that it could be possible.
Firefox kicked Google to the curb and Yahoo will now be the default search engine for the browser.
Google’s deal is also up with Safari in 2015, and reports have both Bing and Yahoo trying to secure that spot. The option to switch default browsers in iOS 8 and OS X from Google to DuckDuckGo also exists.
With options other than Google becoming more popular and accepted it will make it important to have visibility across these search engines in addition to just Google.

3. Switch your focus from keyword rankings to ROI metrics

If you or your SEO company is still putting an emphasis on keyword rankings and determining the success of the campaign based on keyword positions, then it is time for a major wake up call. Ranking reports can be made to look pretty and some SEO companies will even target useless keywords just to say, “Hey look -- you are ranking number one!”
If you are a business owner spending money every month on SEO, what would you rather hear from your SEO agency?
  • “Congratulations, you are ranking number one for ‘buy blue widgets online’ but we aren’t sure what that translates into dollar wise.”
  • “The infographic that we published last month resulted in earning 67 links and it was also responsible for 45 conversions and $22,480 in revenue.”
Do you want a fancy PDF ranking report or do you want to know what your return on investment was?

4. More focused social-media approach

Social media was once just a platform to share content, so businesses would sign up for every social platform under the sun and blast their content everywhere. Social media is now a marketing channel as well as a customer-service channel. Your social audience expects your brand to engage with them on a more personal level.
It is more effective to focus on two or three social-media platforms and be very active and accommodating. This not only helps you generate more leads, sales and revenue, but it also helps to build a very loyal following that will share your content. This can introduce new people to your brand and even present opportunities to earn links.

5. Earning links rather than building links

Through all of the updates and algorithm changes over the years one thing remains the same: inbound links are the most influential signal of trust and authority. This isn’t going to change -- not in 2015 or anytime soon.
The days of building links on irrelevant blogs and chasing large quantities of links to game the search results are over. Earning a single link on a high-quality relevant website is valuable for multiple reasons including SEO, attracting referral traffic, leads, sales and branding exposure. Look for traditional PR and SEO to work closer together in 2015.

6. Targeting more precise keywords and search phrases

The days of targeting broad keywords are coming to an end. While they tend to have a huge search volume, they don’t attract highly targeted traffic and they are expensive to rank. Targeting long-tail search queries not only attracts qualified “buyer” traffic, but these terms will typically have much less competition. Keyword research along with understanding the shopping and purchase patterns of the target consumer can help to identify search terms and phrases to go after.

Businesses will always crave organic search traffic, and search-engine optimization is the vehicle to drive that highly coveted traffic. What are some SEO changes that you foresee in 2015?

Best Techniques For Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a very important part of the image management on the internet today. With the increase in number of more and more companies spending huge investments on creating online presence, it is also mandatory to monitor what is being said about you by the majority of the audience.

The techniques that could be used to track the same are as follows:

Follow a defense & attack strategy:

Step 1: Research & Resource Identification
  • Track existing assets.
  • Track Reviews and Comments.
  • Review Mentions.
Step 2: Content Segregation & Optimization
  • Tailor made content for platforms.
  • Define Target Audience.
Step 3: Content Submission
  • Content Marketing Planning.
Step 4: Internet and Social Promotion
  • Pick suitable platforms to share the content.
Step 5: Creating search engine dominance
  • Share reviews, Invite recommendations.
Step 6: Brand Monitoring
  • Setup brand mention alerts.
Internet is the fastest way word of mouth travels today and that is why it is very important to manage the type of negative unsavory efforts to pull down your business.

Google Introducing Rich Cards For Mobile SERP

Rich cards are a new Search result format building on the success of rich snippets. Just like rich snippets, rich cards use structured markup to display content in an even more engaging and visual format, with a focus on providing a better mobile user experience.

For site owners, this is a new opportunity to stand out in Search results and attract more targeted users to your page. For example, if you have a recipe site, you can build a richer preview of your content with a prominent image for each dish. This visual format helps users find what they want right away, so you're getting users who specifically want that especially delicious cookie recipe you have.
We’re starting to show rich cards for two content categories: recipes and movies. They will appear initially on mobile search results in English for We’re actively experimenting with more opportunities to provide more publishers with a rich preview of their content.
We’ve built a comprehensive set of tools and completely updated our developer documentation to take site owners and developers from initial exploration through implementation to performance monitoring. Explore rich card types and identify where your content fits Browse the new gallery with screenshots and code samples of each markup type. Test and tweak your markup We strongly recommend using JSON-LD in your implementation.
  • Find out which fields are essential to mark up in order for a rich card to appear. We’ve also listed additional fields that can enhance your rich cards.
  • See a preview in the revamped Structured Data Testing Tool of how the rich card might appear in Search (currently available for recipes and movies).
  • Use the the Structured Data Testing Tool to see errors as you tweak your markup in real time.

  • Source : Google Webmaster Central Blog

    HTTP vs HTTPS and SEO in 2016-17

    Google Starts Giving A Ranking Boost To Secure HTTPS/SSL Sites

    Google has announced that going HTTPS — adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site — will give you a minor ranking boost.
    Google says this gives websites a small ranking benefit, only counting as a "very lightweight signal" within the overall ranking algorithm. In fact, Google said this carries "less weight than other signals such as high-quality content." Based on their tests, Google says it has an impact on "fewer than 1% of global queries" but said they "may decide to strengthen" the signal because they want to "encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web."
    Google also said based on their tests for the past few months, the HTTPS signal showed “positive results” in terms of relevancy and ranking in Google’s search results.
    As you may remember, at SMX West, Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, said he’d love to make SSL a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. Well, less than five months after that announcement, and while he is on an extended leave, Google is making it a reality.

    SEO Concerns With Going HTTPS

    As with all major url changes and site migrations, there is likely to be a disruption and loss of rank followed by a recovery in rank. There are little to no issues when switching to HTTPS, especially for SEO. But implementing the secure switch incorrectly can hurt your site and possibly your SEO and cause a sustained loss in traffic.

    Steps to Switch:
    Google’s own recommendations are below:
    • Determine if you require a single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate
    • Use 2048-bit key certificates to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on your webserver
    • Make sure to maintain a current SSL certificate
    • Use relative URLs for resources that reside on the same secure domain
    • Redirect to HTTPS pages by server-side 301 HTTP redirects (mod_rewrite is common)
    • Update your robots.txt to allow your HTTPS pages to be crawled
    • Check that your website returns the correct HTTP status code
    BrightEdge did a webinar on HTTP vs HTTPS and you can view that webinar on-demand for more insight.
    Source: Google WebMaster Blog

    SSL Security Certificate "https" is beneficial for your business and can help to improve your site visibility and keywords rank in SERP (Google Search Result Pages).

    3 Major Advantage of https in SEO.

    http vs https
    http vs https - understand the basics

    What You Need to Know to Stay in Google’s Good Graces?

    No matter what side you are on—being the user of a website or developing your own site—a good online experience tends to involve a trusted third party and good encryption.
    In order to understand how to achieve this and better understand why Google favors these website elements (and why you should too), it’s important to first learn the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. Below explains the basics of the two options:

    HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) is a system for transmitting and receiving information across the Internet. HTTP is an "application layer protocol," which ultimately means that its focus is on how information is presented to the user, however, this option doesn’t really care how data gets from Point A to Point B.

    It is said to be “stateless,” which means it doesn’t attempt to remember anything about the previous web session. The benefit to being stateless it that there is fewer data to send, and that means increased speed.

    When is HTTP beneficial?

    http is most commonly used to access html pages, and it is important to consider that other resources can be utilized through accessing http. This was the way that most websites who did not house confidential information (such as credit card information) would setup their websites.

    HTTPS: Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol

    HTTPS, or "secure http", was developed to allow authorization and secured transactions. Exchanging confidential information needs to be secured in order to prevent unauthorized access, and https makes this happen. In many ways, https is identical to http because it follows the same basic protocols. The http or https client, such as a Web browser, establishes a connection to a server on a standard port. However, https offers an extra layer of security because it uses SSL to move data.

    For all intents and purposes, HTTPS is HTTP, it’s just the secure version.

    To get technical on you, the main difference is that it uses TCP Port 443 by default, so HTTP and HTTPS are two separate communications.

    HTTPS works in conjunction with another protocol, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to transport data safely (which is really the key difference that Google cares about).

    Remember, HTTP and HTTPS don’t care how the data gets to its destination. In contrast, SSL doesn’t care what the data looks like (like HTTP does).

    That is why HTTPS really offers the best of both worlds: Caring about what the user sees visually, but also having an extra layer of security when moving data from point A to point B.

    An Extra Note: People often use the terms HTTPS and SSL interchangeably, but that isn’t accurate. HTTPS is secure because it uses SSL to move data. The technicalities can seem complicated, so visit here if you need more detailed information. For most companies, understanding that https is more secure than http is enough.

    HTTPS & Google's Opinion

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Google prefers sites that are trusted and certified.

    This is because users can be guaranteed that the site will encrypt their information for that extra level of security. However, you should understand that getting a certificate can be an involved task (which is why it allows for higher ranking benefits).

    Breaking it down: When a site goes through the motions of obtaining a certificate, the issuer becomes a trusted third party. When your browser recognizes a secure Web site, it uses the information in the certificate to verify that the site is what it claims to be. A user who knows the difference between HTTP and HTTPS can now buy with confidence, and thus, businesses can get started in electronic commerce because of this credibility.

    With the announcement I addressed in the beginning, Google is now using HTTPS as a ranking signal. It is pretty clear from data analysis that HTTPS sites have a ranking advantage over http-URLs so this switch will now benefit all companies, confidential information or not.

    To get a little bit more detailed, data sent using HTTPS is secured via Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS), which provides three key layers of protection:
    • Encryption. Encrypting the exchanged data to keep it secure.
    • Data Integrity. Data cannot be modified or corrupted during transfer without being detected.
    • Authentication proves that your users communicate with the intended website.
    Google claims that websites who use HTTPS will have a small ranking benefit because of these security aspects.
    Still, HTTPS sites will only have the benefit of a "very lightweight signal" within the overall ranking algorithm, carrying less weight than other signals such as high-quality content.

    According to Search Engine Land, Google said that based on their initial tests the HTTPS signal showed “positive results” in terms of relevancy and ranking in Google’s search results.

    That same article predicted that this may change eventually, and Google may decide to strengthen the signal, or give more ranking benefit to HTTPS sites because they want to keep online users secure.

    SEO Advantages of Switching to HTTPS

    It is clear that HTTPS offers security, so it is definitely the choice to put you in Google’s good graces. There are also some additional SEO benefits for you to consider.
    1. Increased rankings.
    2. The obvious one. As stated, Google has confirmed the slight ranking boost of HTTPS sites. Like most ranking signals, it is very hard to isolate on its own, but this is still something to keep in mind. On the plus side, the value of switching to HTTPS is very likely to increase over time.
    3. Referrer Data.
    4. When traffic passes to an HTTPS site, the secure referral information is preserved. This is unlike what happens when traffic passes through an HTTP site, and it is stripped away and looks as though it is "direct."
    5. Security and privacy.
    6. HTTPS adds security for your SEO goals and website in several ways:
      • It verifies that the website is the one the server it is supposed to be talking to.
      • It prevents tampering by third parties.
      • It makes your site more secure for visitors.
      • It encrypts all communication, including URLs, which protects things like browsing history and credit card numbers.

    So Are There Any SEO Concerns in Switching to HTTPS?

    You really shouldn’t be concerned with switching from HTTP to HTTPS in terms of SEO. Google has been telling webmasters it is safe to do so for years. However, you do need to go through the motions to ensure your traffic doesn’t suffer.
    Make sure to communicate to Google that you moved your site from HTTP to HTTPS.

    Google has provided the following tips for best practices when switching to HTTPS:

    • Decide the kind of certificate you need: single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate
    • Use 2048-bit key certificates
    • Use relative URLs for resources that reside on the same secure domain
    • Use protocol relative URLs for all other domains
    • Check out our site move article for more guidelines on how to change your website’s address
    • Don’t block your HTTPS site from crawling using robots.txt
    • Allow indexing of your pages by search engines where possible. Avoid the no index robots meta tag.
    • Google has also updated Google Webmaster Tools to better handle HTTPS sites and the reporting on them.
    • Track your HTTP to HTTPS migration carefully in your analytics software and within Google Webmaster Tools.
    In addition to the Google Support resources, I highly recommend reading a condensed introduction to HTTP/HTTPS and some tips on changing over to SSL/HTTPS here before getting started.

    This is usually something an IT professional can get done quickly, but it can sometimes be overwhelming for someone who may not have an IT background.
    Below is a quick list of steps to get an outline of the process:

    • Provide your CSR: You need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on your webserver.
    • Select the server software used to generate the CSR.
    • Select the hash algorithm you prefer to use.
    • Select the validity period for your Certificate.
    Note: You will be licensed to use this Certificate on an unlimited number of servers. It is beneficial to work with a company that establishes SSL connections, as this is all automatically generated once you input information.

    The Takeaway

    The clear conclusion here is that switching to HTTPS will help you stay in good graces with Google. Along with all of the SEO benefits we discussed (which are only going to increase), HTTPS is a far more secure system for your website to operate. Security for your site and your users is the most important aspect of making the switch from HTTP to HTTPS.

    HTTPS is not only good for security but also for referrer data and other SEO strategies. When looking at the issue holistically and considering the future of what Google is likely to do with HTTPS, I recommend switching over to HTTPS, ASAP, to keep up with Google.

    Source: Ahref Blog

    Google Possum Update

    How the Google Possum Update will change Local SEO

    Google has shaken up how local search works, meaning that businesses that aren’t geographically in the city centres now have more of a chance of appearing in the Map Pack than they did previously.
    The search engine has also placed greater importance on a user’s physical location, and businesses that share the same address are now being filtered.

    Everything you need to know about Google’s ‘Possum’ algorithm update

    Wondering what's up with local search rankings lately? Columnist Joy Hawkins has the scoop on a recent local algorithm update that local SEO experts are calling 'Possum.'
    For those of you wondering what "Possum" is, it’s the name we in the local search community decided to give the massive Local algorithm update that happened September 1, 2016.
    Phil Rozek suggested the name, pointing out that it is fitting since many business owners think their Google My Business listings are gone, when in fact they are not. They have just been filtered — they’re playing possum.

    What was the Update?

    All the evidence seems to indicate this particular update only impacted ranking in the 3-pack and Local Finder (AKA the local results or Google Maps results). There is talk of another update that happened right after, which impacted organic results.
    I believe the main purpose of the update was to diversify the local results and also prevent spam from ranking as well.
    Based on the dozens of ranking reports I’ve analyzed, I would say this is the biggest update we have seen in Local since Pigeon in 2014. One of the main things that updated was Google’s filter that applies to the local results.

    The Specifics

    1. Businesses that fall outside of the physical city limits saw a huge spike in ranking.
    2. Google is now filtering based on address and affiliation.
    3. The physical location of the searcher is more important than it was before.
    4. Search results vary more based on slight variations of the keyword searched.
    5. The local filter seems to be running more independently from the organic filter.


    In summary, we are still seeing a lot of fluctuation, which is making me think Google is still A/B testing various ranking signals. Ranking trackers like Algoroo are still showing a lot of fluctuation in the search results. It’s possible that some of the things they changed could revert back as well.
    So far, the filter seems to be holding steady, but I’m still evaluating more and more cases to see additional patterns.

    Source: Search Engine Land

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